Friday, January 9, 2009

And Happy New Year!

Ohhhhh and what a happy year it will be. Even the old Ex wrote "this is going to be your year" in my Birthday it HAS to be ;) In semi-disgusting news, I contracted some awful stomach flu virus a few days before New Year' basically I LITERALLY purged myself of 2008! So very very poetic!

So onwards and upwards!

#45 - totally F'd this one up...I only did two recipes in December. This tomato onion thing and this artichoke hearts and lemon vinaigrette deal. SO! Six recipes in January it will be and two of them I already made!
1. Lemon Cake Balls (for my birthday treat)
2. Banana Muffins

#50 - Giving up alcohol except wine was a semi success, I think I went above and beyond, however, by not drinking (save a little bit of champagne) on New Year's Eve! January I'm giving up talking about sorry saps.

#54 - Just had my winter cut (AND color)

#87 - "discovered" Ladytron last month and asked for the latest album for Christmas. SO glorious!! Love the music! I also discovered Blitzen Trapper and they are AMAZING!! I already have a discovery for January too: Fleet Foxes....soooooo good! If you dig My Morning Jacket...listen to them immediately!

#95 - I'm currently over halfway through Lolita, and that'll be my last classic for the list!

OK! So I didn't really delve into my whole New Year's resolution...blah blah, but I think I'm just going to try not to think about it too much. So far I've been happy with January. I've got a better attitude and I'm thinking about taking part in LIFE a little more. Maybe join the Culture Committee at well as CK's bowling league :) Who knows where the year will take me?! I'm excited about it though!