Thursday, November 1, 2007

slipping into a warm bath of pumpkin spice latte

Over the last couple days, I've compared "having a negative attitude" to slipping into a bath. In the respect that it's really easy to slip into a bad attitude, and for some strange reason, it comforts you, it feels familiar and oh so inviting. But it only comforts you in a superficial way that wears off almost immediately and then leaves you a chattering, disheartened, miserable, shriveled mess. What kind of comforting bath is that?! Well the wide-eyed four year old in me coos: In heaven I think warm baths never get cold! They stay that nearly-too-hot temperature, the bubbles never pop, and your skin never wrinkles!

Lately work has thrown a few of us some frustrating curve balls and shakes our patience to its very core. The worst part is that it isn't even work-related! I mean in a way it is because our place of business is involved, but mostly it's just plain personal...which is the worst kind of work frustration. It's the kind that leaves the office with you and goo's all over your psyche, only to fester and rot all over your deepest inner workings until you seriously feel like even your mitochondria are screaming for relief. ......Sigh.

In any case, today I got back from a double dose of pilates at lunch and after reading a link from my sis re: Starbucks' delicious Gingerbread Lattes, I literally Googled Starbucks 'Pumpkin Spice Latte' Blog and continued to be the amount of PSL fans out there. No, 'fans' is putting far too lightly. More like absolute grounds for idolatry pumpkin spice worshipers. And I loved every second of it!!! For the whole concept of being head over heels excited over a coffee drink...and a Corporate coffee drink at just so frivolous it makes the complicated, emotional overload of life so much easier to take. Mandsi and my Serenity Now Mantra lately has been "....simpler times". Ahhhh simpler times, my dear pumpkin spice latte.

Now with it being November 1st, I'm a little sad that dear PSL will only be around another week or less...perhaps it's already gone! But yes, PSL's comforting cousin Gingerbread Latte will be a sufficient replacement, even if it does mean that autumn is quickly winding down and winter is right around the corner. But for now, I'm going to try desperately to focus on the more frivolous, almost child-like stuff that life has to offer (reconsider collecting scratch-n-sniff stickers perhaps?). I gotta quit taking everything so seriously (uhh, didn't I just write a blog about that?). Because while there will always be frustrating coworkers in the world, there will also always be warm, sugary, coffee drinks at my disposal. And no, I'm not going to bathe in said sugary beverage...but maybe on some level, my bruised psyche can?


Amanda said...

What a lovely post.

nik von H said...

absolutely. and because I do not have access to a PSL at the moment - I'm settling for some delicious swiss miss hot chocolate....and it's totally hitting the spotttttt.

Miss Organizized said...

And I didn't get to have my boring coffee afterall!! Oh well...I'll get a PSL and raise a toast in your guys' honor!

Jen said...

I think I need to pick up a PSL on the way in to work tomorrow because I could have written that same post about two of my co-workers!!

Diana Laurence said...

My coworkers were fine today but my job is a frrrrreekin zoo! In lieu of a PSL, I'm going to have a hot cup of the last of the Hallowine during "The Office." Great post, Katesi, damn spiritual and poetical!

Miss Organizized said...

I'm finally reading these on Tuesday! Thanks you guys :) I actually got to partake in probably my last PSL of the season with my good friend Monica on my blessed day off on Friday! Warm deliciousness, hilarious chit chat, and no work: I couldn't have asked for a better day :)