Thursday, December 28, 2006

Welcome to My Dark World

And so it begins.

My 2007 New Year's Resolution is to become more organized. Everyone could probably use a little more organization in their lives. I have a feeling that it not only lowers our stress levels much like petting a soft kitten, but also allows us to truly take advantage of what life has to offer. We suddenly have more time for our family, friends, and, what's that? Hobbies? You mean I can have hobbies? And now that I'm only roughly nine days away from turning 27...a mystifyingly bizarre age...perhaps I'm suffering from a mid-midlife crisis of some kind. Its cliché to whine about watching life just slip through my young fingers, but right now it feels true. Call me crazy. No wait! Read on and THEN call me crazy! (and you will)

And so, with New Year's Day only four days away, I've become...

Little Miss Organizized.

And what better way to start a blog dedicated to organization than to make a list of what this project will entail! Thus I give you* my very first Top [Fill in Number Here] List. This one's gonna be Six:

What I Hope To Accomplish Via This Project
(In No Particular Order of course!):

1. Create a Hipster PDA featured

2. Organize my entire budget and stick to it gol'darnit!

3. Get a meal plan goin'...collect recipes and actually create a rough sketch of what I could eat the following week or two.

4. Organize my apartment: clean out closets and crevices

5. Undergo several artistic projects from scrapbooks to photography to graphic design

6. 101 Things in 1001 Days
featured here and
This is where the above and the remainder of my organizing frenzy will fall. So I will apparently accomplish everything from health to relationships to entertainment and hobbies in roughly two years and nine months. Good times!

Like I said, I do look categorically insane right now, but trust me...this will be beneficial to all! And while technically this project is life-long, I will make a final-ish conclusion of its benefits/complete failure at the end of the two-year-nine-month period. THAT date To Be Announced!

* - I will probably use "you" an embarrassing amount throughout this project. But while this blog is supposed to help me, perhaps a few "you's" will stumble upon it and help will weasel its way into your lives.

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