Friday, December 29, 2006


Organization extravaganza has begun!! Made what-felt-like-an-hour-long stop at Office Depot (would've preferred Office Max or even Staples, but whatev) and bought all my supplies as seen here in all their shiny glory:

paper hole punch, 300 pk of plain white notecards,
50 pk of lined white notecards, 100 pk of lined assorted color notecards,
A-Z tabbed notecards, pkg of assorted color mini gel pens,
and 1 notebook from which I used plastic plaid cover;
along with a black binder to create back cover that I "borrowed"
from work and my scrapbook edge-rounder guy

The depressing part was when I found a Hipster PDA Mead Knockoff right next to all the notecards. Bah! And of COURSE it was way cheaper than all the supplies I purchased. Home-made is always better anyway I'm thinkin. When I got home, I just threw it all together and secured the dead tree of a mess with a carabiner from my backpack. And voila! Here ye be!

Now I've gotta actually fill it with stuff. I made ANOTHER list:

And so I'm ON it this weekend, probably tonight to geek up my life even more and spend my Friday night coming up with a budget? Guh right? Eh, it's all part of the plan.

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