Thursday, January 11, 2007

One man's good will is another man's Goodwill

Progress update: on my Monday day off I cleaned out all of my clothes drawers, as well as my closet, WHOOP! I have something like six bags full of stuff to donate to Goodwill. I'm actually letting go of my ebay enhanced collection of "tiny cute tshirts" from back when I was "tiny and cute"...heh. They'll all go to a good home...a home that contains at least one person under the age of 8.

I also went through a few boxes that were all around my bedroom as well as under the bed. A lot of my dad's things I completely tossed. He had pictures of my cousins and stuff that no one needs. I found all of his baby pictures too which was nice (kept those of course)...and a few pictures of when I was hideous...out! I found two sets of cuff links that looked like something Johnny would like, and when I gave them to him this morning, he was really stoked! He never got to meet my dad so it's nice that he'll have something of his...aside from me of course! ;)

I decided NOT to figure out my Budget last last Friday due to the fact that I have yet to receive a new paycheck. Makes "cents" doesn't it? heh. So on the 15th, I'll get that all squared away.

I have a running idea of various things I want to add to my 101 Things in 1001 Days list. One of those things would have been getting my room all situated and cleaned up and such...will I still be able to put it on there if its already done? Hmm. I've been doing really well with cooking this past week. Every day I've made something that involves more than four ingredients!! Healthy too!

So that's the update....relatively bore-o, but an update nonetheless.

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