Wednesday, May 16, 2007

bottles of diseases

A long time ago in a warehouse far away, I coined the phrase "bottles of diseases" in: "I'm going to start throwing bottles of diseases at the next person who pisses me off." That was in my angry days as a disgruntled Roundy's advertising employee. I'm much more sane nowadays...but today's events here at work reminded me so vividly of that phrase and the way I used to fly off the handle. Welcome to my dark side?

In any case, not too much to report listwise. I'm so unorganized it hurts sometimes. For example, I forgot to pay my license plate renewal and three days after the expiration date, I had a $50 ticket in my cardoor from our lovely Milwaukee Parking Nazis. It's like whenever I'm unorganized for one second, it bites me in the ass tenfold.

But I have been faithful to my 30 Day Pilates Challenge (#40)!! And oh man, it's sooooo good. I leave work around 11:30am 4/5 days of the week, take a relaxing walk home accompanied by itunes, pilate (verb?) for 20 minutes and then lift some weights for another five, if time allows I take an invigorating shower, then of course there's the semi reluctant walk back to work. Sigh. But I always feel really good for the rest of the afternoon! My plan worked, I'm so happy!! Plus it forces me to "take a lunch" which I never used to do. I'd take mini breaks throughout the day to email and such, but never the full hour of lunch time. It breaks up the day nicely and lets me decompress. Anyway, I'm up to 7/30 so that's sweet.

Haha! Speaking of walking, I just got a funny email from this new work organization to try and "Go Green" this summer. It said that, this Friday, everyone who bikes into work gets to meet at Alterra for coffee and smoothies and come into work a half hour late. I made a comment that those of us who WALK will get into work an hour early per usual. Oh and those who get into work a half hour late (bike or no bike) will continue to get into work a half hour late per usual.

Recipes (#45): I made that eggplant pasta sauce...delish! But I only have a week and a half left (until I go on vacay) for two more recipes, so I gotta get crackin! But I fulfilled my eggplant duty as well (#50)

I also went to a new-to-me Milwaukee restaurant (#30): Emperor of China. I had the Orange Peel Crispy Beef DIES!!!!!! It was so good...the orange zest pieces totally made the dish.

And finally, I got my first of 4 volunteering duties done on Monday when John, Mandsi, Nicole and I helped with lunch at St. John's (#78)

Here's to a better rest of the week and putting away all my bottles....

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