Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ramona Quimby Age Twenty-Eight?

To begin, a la Niki in the Window, I wanted to post my screencap from yesterday's weather widget:


...TRIPOD!!!!! And notice the inclusion of January 2008. PS I took this screencap at 5pm!!! 58 degrees at 5pm on January 7th?!?! (That was my 'wicker basket with spring flowers and a bamboo handle' voice) And there might have been tripods disguised as tornadoes in Kenosha last night because that place is trashed today :(

So needless to say, we got some freaky weather this week! I think we either tied or broke the temp high both Sunday and Monday, and "The only other tornado to hit Wisconsin in January since 1844 was in 1967, according to the National Weather Service." And yeah, here's another quote: "The temperature in Milwaukee soared to a record for the date of 63 degrees, far above the previous high of 47 in 1965 and again in 2003." I'm not one for jumping onto the global warming bandwagon, but the strange weather phenomena are vaguely reminiscent of The Day After Tomorrow ;)

Moving right along here, I'm officially 28 as of Sunday the 6th, so that's fun! And a great birthday weekend it was!! My friends are fabulous, I gotta say...every one of them made the weekend absolutely perfect.

[side bar#1: I completed #30 on my list when I ate at Zim's this weekend. Zim's is just a sports bar, thus I wasn't going to include it, but they honestly make a mean veggie melt and their sweet tato fries with marshmallow/maple syrup dipping sauce are to die for...THEREFORE I just had to include Zim's as my final restaurant. DELISH!]

[Side bar #2: my good friend Katie made me a bunch of scrumptious cookies for my birthday. SWEET BAKERY NOOOO!!!! Recalling the five tons of fried food I had this weekend, I'm switching over to omitting that bad food from my diet for the remainder of the month. Once Feb hits, it's back off the sweet bakery.]

Anyway, I think 28 is going to be a good year. I think I might've mistakenly said that about 27, which wasn't awful per se...actually, wait a minute. 27 as an age was good...let's not confuse 27 with 2007 here. I truly did learn crazy oodles about myself. I became a more independent person, I learned some new skills, I honed my craftiness craft, I chipped away at my 101 List like a champ, and I trimmed the fat in terms of the crap in my life that no longer needed to be there. So with that said, I'm hoping age 28 will be the age where I get to reap the benefits of all of my hard work during age 27. Although I've got a seriously difficult year ahead of me. My mental to-do list gets longer by the moment and I've really gotta find a way to get everything done.

And with THAT said, come February 1st (one year anniversary of 101 List), I will revamp said 101 List (not too many changes per se, but maybe more streamlined and appropriate to my current skills and position in life). I will also try to come up with a definitive schedule for the next year in terms of things I know I need to at the very least start, and perhaps even finish. If I really try and make this Productive Attitude a natural habit of mine, once I hit 30, I honestly think I'll be able to sit back, relax, and reap the bennies of my late twenties. Rhyming rocks...true story!


nik von H said...

Awwwwwuh, RAMONA!!!!!!

Now I want to read those books again.....

Miss Organizized said...

I never knew how to pronounce her doll's name "Chevorlet" when I was little. The PBS tv series was the best!

nik von H said...

I totally forgot about the TV series!

I hate when I read and don't quite know how to pronounce a word that repeats...it ruins the rhythm.