Friday, September 5, 2008

it's getting better every day

Tonight I will finally indulge in a pumpkin spice latte as I heard through the proverbial grapevine that they are definitely officially available! Currently it is 62 degrees outside and I am loving the part where I wore a jacket to work this morning. Unfortunately a small part of my brain is screaming about how winter feels like it just ended, so that's too bad :\ Shut up brain!

Speaking of PSLs, Z just pointed out to me THIS FUN FACT:

In other words, when you google image "pumpkin spice latte", my blog banner is the sixth photo to come up?! That's devotion my friends.

Meanwhile, I made two of seven recipes for the month of Sept:

1. Enchilada Pizza (I made tomatillo salsa again to use for the sauce, and topped a wheat Boboli with black beans, a four cheese Mexican blend, guac, and green onions. If I wasn't poor I would've made some tasty shredded chicken to put on it as well.)

2. Squash and Sweet Potato Tortellini, which I will partake once again in about 20 minutes!

sweeeeet action!

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