Thursday, October 30, 2008

time to throw your papers all over!!!

It's officially the last HOUR that we'll all be in our work building!! We are moving to swank 3rd ward and leaving this sick black lung infested building forever!!! AND I no longer will have to, after four years, load and put away the dishes for the fifth floor!!! All good things :)

It's also Oct 30th so I'll recap some list related whatnot:

#5/10 - I took some fall photos the other day so when I grab some time I'll put up them up on my photoblog, which has been a ghost town lately!

#17 - Was I selfish at all this month?? Hmm I bought a heck ton of clothes for myself...and I whined a whole lot about a recent raise review situation that was brought to our attention. I guess I'll count those.

#25 - I sure DID carve a pumpkin!! Again, perhaps a pic or two on the phblog lates...

#26 - My beloved "sleepover" will drop on Saturday at Nicole's crib! I know you're jealous of our shenanigans of Roseanne Halloween eps, pumpkin beer and seeds, and other debauchery that may or may not include a pillow fight and ExtenZe drinks??

#50 - I think I'm going to rock the squash this Nov

#51 - Soooo I totally cheated 3.5 times on sweet bakery this month :( I had to taste my pumpkin muffin stuffing for the work luncheon, but ate a little more than I needed to...I also had a DELICIOUS peanut butter cookie Jeremy coworker's GF made...then I ate a muffin at our B&B in Galena because I didn't want to be rude...and then today I indulged in a H'ween cupcake that Shannon brought. AGAIN I didn't want to be rude!!! So I have to do something in Nov that's really hard. I think it's going to be no going out to eat again :\ EXCEPT for things already planning like Monica & Tim's anniversary party and grabbing some din before the Aussie Floyd concert. But other than that, I gotta stick to it this next month!!! CHEATER.

#69 - speaking of things not working out so well, I'm not going to be able to make my blood donation quota at this rate. But I gotta have a doc appt before I donate again, so it won't be until end of Dec. And then I think I'll donate plasma or whatever the one is where you can donate more frequently than 8 try and catch up?

#87 - New band/artist! Oh man LOOOOTS. So a couple days ago I found my AT&T rebate "credit card" they sent me after I bought my new phone. Wellllll it expires 11/08 GOOOO! So I went itune CRAZY and bought like $43 worth of music with it!! All electronic/dance/techno/house music with which I'm suddenly insanely obsessed: Justice, The Presets, Cut Copy, and MSTRKRFT. Check 'em out today!

- I'll save Lolita for after Christmas and read my second to last book, the famous Twilight, instead.

- This may officially happen now that we're going to be in the new building!! Although our new hours start at 9:00 instead of 8:30 so I don't really have to get up that early. I'm gonna try though!

I'm super sad October, my fave month, is over :( It treated my well's to an even better November!


Monica O'Neill said...

Hey - so how come you won't have to do dishwasher duty anymore?
I'm really sad I'm not part of your sleepover :( But if a few others come for the Anni Party - that could be like a sleepover!
Speaking of, sorry the Party's gonna make you a cheater!
So are your new hours only 9-5 - LUCKY!

Miss Organizized said...

The dishwashing thing's sort of a long story, but basically this will be like starting over and someone ELSE can take a turn now!

Heck YES the Anni party will be like a sleepover! We'll have to do random shots of Jamo after we get home from F&H haha!!

Yeah I don't really agree with 35 hours counting as "full time" but apparently in the advertising world, that's ok. I'm still gonna end up coming in at 8:00 though...just you watch!

Monica O'Neill said...

BAH! I never came back and read your response to my convo.
But you called it - random Jamo shots after F&H!!