Thursday, July 26, 2007

End of July is Nigh



...and away!

#24 Kite flying was had! I mentioned it earlier maybe, but finally got the photos up. It was such a gorgeous day, but yeah, the wind wasn't havin' it. John had the kite up for like 45 seconds after I took that last one, and then I took a turn and had the kite up for maybe 5-10 minutes UNTIL I tried taking a picture WHILST holding said kite, and it fell. Classic.

OTHER updates!! Aside from the recipe sitch, I think I accomplished pretty much everything I wanted to.

#17 My surprise was very small...just baked some oatmeal raisin cookies and dropped them off at John's while he was with Grace. But it was partly an anniversary gift too. John surprised ME with a really hilarious card and GOOOOORGEOUS pink/yellow/orange roses. Our two [ish] year anniversary was simple, sweet and fun. We went to Harry's Bar & Grill for dinner...and then after we got home we shared the mini bottle of champagne I got from Monica and Tim's engagement party. Give or take a couple months in there, I can't believe it's been two years. And honestly things are so much better nowadays. Since the reunion, and a couple hiccups in there, I've never felt more "mature" and dare I say calm??? I just feel more trusting, confident, and genuinely happy. The work that we've both put into the relationship the last few months has been hard, but at the same time really fun! We're in a good place and hopefully it stays that way.

#39 Monday I played nine holes of golf!! Ok so I kinda blew. Not awful, but not great either. John and I played Best Ball (each player plays from the spot of the closest ball)...together we got a 47 which is like a 5 stroke average...not great for a par 3 course?? haha! But we used my ball's spot quite a few times! In any case, even though I wasn't all that good, I had a blast. It was nice to be out in the perfect weather, getting exercise, and having fun amongst the rolling hills of the just made me want to go again soon to get the practice in! Yay golf!!

#75 I brought breakfast treats into work the other day, but I sort of feel bad counting was thanks to everyone who contributed to the "Let's Thank Katie for Washing Our Dishes Every Day" Fund. They all got me a gift card to a spa!! It was crazy...I was totally taken a back. But in classic Katie style, I felt the need to thank THEM for such a sweet gesture. Hence the breakfast treats.

#95 I am currently reading my mom's draft of her latest novel Bloodchained which is ALL kinds of good. So in addition to the "classic" A Tale of Two Cities, I'll be able to add "erotica/romance" to my literary repertoire ;)

And finally...
John, Grace and I went to the Waukesha Co Fair as planned...the whole evening was so much fun. And the hot air balloons were the best. Not too many...only eight or nine total, but it was really cool watching them launch and then the whole "Balloon Glow" at night. Grace was especially a fan. Maybe she'll have a special place in her heart for hot air balloons like I do because of the Iowa Altoona Balloona fest I watched when I was her age?? In any case, here are some pix!

more here!

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