Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Mooner!

So as I'm sure everyone knows, a total lunar eclipse exploded into our viewing area last night! It was truly quite spectacular and the best part was having a front row seat in my living room!! I set up my tripod on the heat register and took photos throughout American Idol. Then paused the Season Four Project Runway Reunion and took a few more pix outside in the bitter cold. Now my photos aren't the most fabulous, some are blurry because I need one of those remote shutter release things, whatever they're called. Plus, once the total eclipse was in full throttle, it was hard to get enough light from the darkened moon. However, my new camera took MUCH better shots than my old camera ever could. I mean the zoom alone! Imagine if I had a telephoto lens!!

Anyway, enjoy the following shots:

And in the above post, you'll find my makeshift photobucket slideshow of the first half of the eclipse [I want to KILL won't let me post this entry BEFORE the slideshow. And I wasn't able to embed it in this post for whatever reason...maybe I'll change it to a flickr slideshow some other time because this photobucket version is just "aight fa me". The slideshow is ruining the ch'i of the lunar eclipse!]

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