Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Red warning box over the state of Katie

Back in the blogging world, after a small hiatus! Well, a hiatus considering the amount of updates I had been writing lately. Things have been quite whirlwindy in my life as of late, and without going into any details, I'll just say that I'm simply thankful to have the opportunity to experience life's little tornadoes here and there. It is indeed tornado season, both meteorologically AND figuratively (spring fevah!!) and this time of year always makes for an amusing time. Yes, when it rains it certainly pours!

In updateland, I'm steadily knocking tasks off my side bar to-do list. I worked on the Ninja Report this weekend, finished Bright Lights and started Mere Christianity, started the Buckley's project and am almost done, etc. The projects on my horizon don't look as daunting so that's good! For a moment there this weekend, in the middle of my 'storm', I felt my grasp on Lil Miss Organizized loosening...but I think I've got her back now.

List updates:
#17 - boy DID I! And it was the best medicine a girl could have, let me tell you.
#45 & #50 - Endive and burnt pine nuts ;)
#95 - Bright Lights

In other news, I'm not sure who caught The Office last week, but I finally got to watch it last night and oh me oh my!! Talk about apropos!! I think THIS sums it up best. Because it's true: nothing is sexier than a guy who wants you. I know that Life certainly isn't Television, but hey, The Office is as close as you can get ;) Art imitates life, and this show is more real than most reality tv out there in my opinion! And the message from this particular plotline in this particular episode is simple. Love doesn't have to be all that complicated. In any case, I have no idea whether a certain ex of mine watched said television program, and even if he did, who knows if the message seeped in at all!

Ahhh life.


Monica O'Neill said...

I love that you have a "red box" over Katie! Good times. You certainly are leading an exciting life right now! Every day new adventures!!!

Diana Laurence said...

I figure I owe ya one after all the comments you posted on my blog yesterday, Katesi! All kinds of great metaphors in this one...I like the red warning box too. Checking off "be selfish" after a long relationship of sacrificing your own needs is curative, I know from experience. :-)